Monday, February 23, 2009

How Great Thou Art? I think not

I am totally beside myself right now. As I was cooking dinner, my ex-husband called. He said he wanted to talk to me about something. Oh, geez, here we go. So, before he starts his story, he asks, "Are you sitting down?" I hate when people say I'm going to faint or something. He goes on to tell me that this coming Sunday is his last Sunday at church.

Ok, back up....if you've read my entries you know the following:
1. My ex and I talk -- sometimes multiple times per day.
2. We both go to the same church (still)
3. I've been struggling with the situation in the church
4. I have not felt spiritually nurtured in quite some time.

So, I say, "WHAT?" He goes on to tell me that this Sunday's sermon was out of control. Our Pastor came down from the pulpit (she does this sometimes -- that's when we know we're "in for it") and preached "among the people." I don't remember exactly what he said she said but it was something like this:

* We come to church for the wrong reasons
* We don't worship properly
* These pews will be filled with new people, just you wait and see
* We don't put God first.

THEN, she went on to talk about the Pasta dinner we just had that raised almost $3,000 so that 7 of us could go to New Orleans in July to our National Youth Gathering. Apparently, "my" kids should have laid their request at Jesus' feet and he would have provided. EXCUSE ME??? Am I supposed to shuttle the kids to the airport and drop them off expecting that the nice people at the USAir counter will just give them a ticket because they prayed for it? Don't get me wrong, I have personally seen the miracle of God's provision and I have the ultimate faith that He will/does provide. This was our way of praying that He would provide and lo and behold, He did. Our congregation didn't have to support the dinner. Our congregation didn't have to donate items for the Silent Auction. Our congregation didn't have to do squat but they did and they did it with loving and open hearts.

By this point, I'm furious. The pasta is boiling over on the stove, the sausage is hard as a rock because I left it in the microwave too long, the ice cubes are melting.....

I told him that I was glad that I wasn't in church yesterday or else when she got to the part about the dinner and my kids, I would have stood up and said something to her. Right then and there whether she was in the middle of a sermon or not. It's one thing to insult me but don't you DARE insult one of my youth group kids. EVER!

I don't know what's going to come of this latest debacle but I do know that my ex will no longer be there. That really, really angers me....wait, no, it really, really pisses me off. He was the one who brought me into the church. He was the one who shared his faith with me. He was the one who supported me in everything I did and still do in the church.

HOW DARE SHE RIP THAT AWAY FROM ME? I am still pissed. Really pissed. I couldn't care less if I ever hear another one of her sermons again. I will still be there for the youth. I will still be there for my godson. That's it, no more, no less.

Oh Loving and Merciful God, only You know the path that you have laid out for us. We are walking this path in faith and know that you will never lead us astray. Please reach out to those who falter and fumble as they seek to follow. We know that you are with us each step of the way and are clearing the road ahead for great things to come. Show us your mercy as we experience these troubling times. Bring enlightenment to those who need it. Shower us with forgiveness so that we may forgive. Bring us peace. Amen.


Pastor Larry said...

Thanks for you comment in my journal.
I don't want to get into another pastor's business but perhaps a quiet conversation with her about what she means. You got the sermon second hand from some one who was ticked off by it. Perhaps your ex did or did not get what she was trying to say. Well I have opened my mouth and inserted foot sometimes both feet.
Giver her a chance one on one to reach an understanding and let her know the reception was not all that positive. She may not know what she has done.
Pastor Larry


I'm not remotely qualified to comment on Church - so I'll just hope that you can resolve this situation.

Dorrie said...

One sermon should not make him step out. He should go again and, together with some others who share his opinion, stand up and publicly make their opinion known... give her a chance to explain, like Pastor Larry said. If she is otherwise generally good, then she should be given that opportunity.

springbaby said...

Pastor and Dorrie: I suppose I should clarify that this has been an on-going issue for the past year or so. I have tried to speak with her as have many others. All to no avail. I will try to keep an open mind. Unfortunately, since I did not hear the sermon first hand, I am not the one to approach her about it. I spoke with our Council President yesterday -- he's going to speak with her. I do hope that she will be open to the conversation and realize the effect it had. Thanks for your comments -- I will keep you posted.

Lerm: No word yet on the blind date.

JaneEllen said...

I have not kept up with all the posts. What I do know is that you are spiritually rooted. You are also have a very centered core and not prone to dramatics. From what I have to come to know, admire and love about you is that you will follow your heart and pray.
For me, to continue to grow spiritually, I need a spiritual leader that is not accusatory or judgmental. I believe in God's grace and unfathomable love for all. I don't sense this same foundational belief eminating from your pastor. I am sorry that she attacked your kids and, in essence, your personal ministry. That is not spiritual growth, to me. Follow your heart. Follow your faith and find a spiritual leader who leads the congregation in a path that is congruent with you. Jane